Author: Katya Mikulich

Myself Kaatya Mikulich, I am a passionate Blogger and a writer and I really enjoy spreading my knowledge and ideas with people who are willing to read and share. Please Feel free to contact me in case of any Querry.

6 Budgeting Tips for Owning a Car

Your car is an important part of your daily life. It helps you get to work, pick up groceries, and go on fun adventures. However, a…

What is Aftercare for a Tattoo?

Are you planning your next (or first) tattoo? Getting a new tattoo is exciting. You’re getting a piece of permanent art etched onto your body! Did…

Is Charter Cable TV Worth It?

Cable TV is considered a major source of entertainment for many Americans. Currently millions of people have subscribed to different cable TV service providers to watch…

Classic Beard Styles to Turn Heads

Although some people have debated and debunked beard popularity, beard styles are still seen as crucial facial hair that needs to be styled. With the outbreak…

How to ask for feedback from customers

The growth of a successful small business depends on repeat customers, and customers return only when they are very satisfied with the product or service they…

Can Henna Tattoos Become Permanent?

Did you know that henna tattoos are connected to pre-wedding Indian rituals? Made from dried leaves, powder, and the henna plant, these temporary tattoos are a…