Professional sports persons and athletes are no strangers to pain and injury. While injuries are certainly part and parcel of their journey, they need to heal and recover more as quickly as possible so that their performance doesn’t get affected. Traditionally, sportspersons relied on prescription opioids to treat the common symptoms of injuries like pain and inflammation and promote quick recovery. But they come with a whole set of side effects. They are now looking for safer and organic ways to treat sports injuries. CBD has managed to become an alternative holistic treatment for many athletes and sportspersons.

Are you planning to use CBD to recover from a sports-related injury but don’t know where to begin from? Read on and learn more about how CBD can help you and the different ways to use it.
What exactly is CBD?
While CBD has managed to become a buzzword, but are you aware of what it is? CBD, scientifically known as cannabidiol, is among the innumerable chemical compounds or cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. There are hundreds of these cannabinoids found in the herb, but CBD is a prominent one as it occupies 40% of the plant matter. Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive compound, implying that it will not induce a mind-altering high, making it entirely safe to use. CBD is famous for its therapeutic properties. Today, people worldwide use it to treat a wide array of health troubles for physical and psychological troubles.
Manufacturers use a rigorous extraction method that involves using Co2 to get pure CBD from the plant, with negligible amounts of other cannabinoids and terpenes. The cannabinoid is available in plenty of forms – isolate, oil, tinctures, capsules, edibles, topicals, and even vape juice. You can choose one or more methods that suit your preferences and needs.
How does CBD help with sports injuries?
Every sports enthusiast has to deal with fatigue, muscle soreness, and injuries. More athletes use CBD gummies UK to help them recover from the injuries they sustain during workout or practice sessions. Here’s how the cannabis byproduct can prove beneficial for you:
May alleviate pain
Injuries bring a lot of pain and discomfort that can hinder you from carrying out routine tasks. It can make it challenging to continue the workout and affect your progress. CBD can help the athletes overcome the pain that comes with any sports-related injuries.
The human body contains an endocannabinoid system, which is a highly complex cellular structure. It helps regulate essential bodily functions like memory, mood, digestion, reproductive health, and immunity. The system generates neurotransmitters, also known as cannabinoids, that travel through the body to bind with CB1 and CB2 receptors that are present in your organs, cells, and hormones. Upon binding, they can communicate with the receptors to initiate change in your body.
If you think the word cannabinoid sounds familiar, it is because the ones produced in the human body are the same as the ones you get from cannabis plants. When you ingest CBD, it can also interact with receptors and change how you react to external stimuli. It can also help bring down pain and discomfort, bringing you quick relief.

May combat muscle soreness
Another major issue that troubles a sportsperson is muscle soreness. When they indulge in a rigorous and strenuous workout, it can lead to soreness in muscles. Scientifically, it is known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). It happens due to the lack of oxygen supply in veins.
CBD can also prove beneficial here by improving the blood flow and reducing the tension in your arteries. When your muscles get more oxygen, there are lesser chances of soreness. The cannabinoid stays in your body for a long time, and it can help alleviate discomfort and stiffness even when you are done with the exercise.
Can promote the healing of bones
A majority of athletes and sports people break their bones while practicing. It is one of the prevalent sports injuries. When the bone is broken, the body starts the healing process by building a callus at the fracture site, which helps bridge and seals the gap between the two broken ends. Research suggests that CBD can increase the production of a protein called collagen found in the bones. It can help promote the healing of fractured bones.
May recover and prevent injuries
When it comes to injuries, CBD may prove immensely beneficial. While people have been relying on the cannabis plant to treat injuries for centuries, they didn’t know that the healing properties come from CBD. The cannabinoid can help with repairing the damaged epidermal tissues around the wound. Besides that, your body heals at night while you are sleeping. CBD can also ensure you get better sleep in terms of quality and quantity, which further helps speed up the recovery process.
Cannabidiol can also contribute to muscles’ elasticity, which can directly impact muscle recovery and prevent any accidents while working out. The muscular-skeletal system interacts with CBD through the digestive system. When receptors in muscles interact with CBD, they can be used for the anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects that improve muscle elasticity. When muscles are flexible, there are lesser chances of injury.
Can restore energy
Many athletes use pills, drinks, or even caffeine to get an energy boost and increase alertness during workouts. The primary ingredient in energy drinks and pills is caffeine, which can have many side effects like anxiety, tremors, fast heartbeat. CBD can prove to be a natural energy-boosting agent. It can activate the neurons in your brain that boosts dopamine levels along with alertness to work like a ‘wake-promoting compound.’

What are the ways to use CBD for injury recovery?
CBD is a highly versatile compound that you can use in plenty of ways. The markets are now brimming with all kinds of CBD and CBD-infused products that can make it easier to experience the herb’s benefits. When it comes to treating a sports injury with CBD, you can use the following different methods:
Oral ingestion
The most convenient way of consuming CBD is oral. You can take CBD in the morning for a day full of energy. Here are a few ways to orally ingest the cannabinoid:
- Oil
CBD oil comes in tiny glass bottles with a dropper. You can put 6-8 drops of the oil under your tongue, hold for a minute, and then swallow it. There are bloodstreams present under your tongue that quickly absorb the cannabinoids and offer you instant relief.
- Capsules
If the raw and nutty taste of CBD doesn’t suit your taste palate, you can use gel-based capsules that contain regulated doses of the cannabinoid.
CBD Edibles
Edibles have become quite popular recently. They are alternative foods and beverages that contain CBD. You can get edibles like gummies, cookies, brownies, and even coffee infused with the cannabinoid. If you are diet-conscious and like to prepare your meals, you can make your edibles as well. You can add CBD oil tincture or isolate to your pre-workout meals or protein shake to ingest CBD.
While CBD edibles are effective, your body first needs to digest the food. Hence, it may take a while for you to feel the effects.
CBD supplements
Every athlete relies on supplements to aid their workout and training. With the CBD industry continually evolving in recent years, new products are coming up. You can find plenty of supplements designed specifically for sportspersons and athletes. There is a wide variety of pre-workout formulas, energy-boosting drinks, and energy bars that contain CBD to help you heal from injuries.
A vape, technically called a vaporizer, is an electronic device that allows you to inhale the cannabinoid through vapor. It comes with a tank, battery, coil, and mouthpiece. You can use CBD isolate, vape oil, or concentrate with a vaporizer. When you power the button, it can heat the substance you choose to vape to produce vapor from it. You can inhale the vapor to enjoy the benefits of CBD.
When you inhale it, the cannabinoids go directly to your lungs and then move into your bloodstream. CBD then travels to the targeted body parts through blood and brings instant effects. You can start feeling the effects within a minute and last for 30-60 minutes. The bioavailability, which is the percentage of CBD that your body absorbs, is 50-60% in the case of vaping. It is more than other methods of using CBD.
Topical application
For sports injuries and muscle soreness, the best way to use CBD is through topicals. CBD-infused balms, creams, and lotions can prove beneficial for athletes. You can directly apply the topicals on your skin for quick relief in case of localized pain or inflammation. The receptors present on your skin absorb the cannabinoids to heal your injuries, reduce pain, and bring relief.
You can use topicals before workout sessions to make your muscles flexible and further reduce the chances of sustaining an injury.

Final Thoughts
CBD offers a lot of potential in the wellness and healthcare sector and has managed to transform the lives of many through its therapeutic properties. If you have suffered an injury while performing or practicing and want to get back on to your feet quickly, CBD can prove helpful for you. Consult your doctor and start using CBD today.