Author: Katya Mikulich

Myself Kaatya Mikulich, I am a passionate Blogger and a writer and I really enjoy spreading my knowledge and ideas with people who are willing to read and share. Please Feel free to contact me in case of any Querry.

Why Should you Stop Drinking Soda?

Sodas come from all walks of life and from different brands. Consumed by both adults and adolescents, sodas have very harmful and highly dangerous repercussions for our…

Focus on Fiber in your Diet

Fiber is of major importance in our daily diet. Stimulating the body’s digestive functions, they ensure an optimized intestinal transit and are an asset for those who…

Covid 19 Effects on Women

COVID 19 Effects on Women Covid 19′ and women COVID-19 is negatively affecting women, not only due to health and safety risks, but also due to…